Lesson #1: Crashing
How can SkyTran eliminate crashing?
1. Overhead Guideways
Skytran vehicles travel on overhead guideways, safely above all other surface traffic. This means we have absolutely eliminated any possibility of collisions with cars, trucks, pedestrians, children, pets, or road debris.2.
3D Grid
SkyTran vehicles will travel on a three dimensional grid. This simply means that vehicles going North or South will be traveling at a different elevation than those vehicles traveling East or West. 75% of all automobile accidents happen at two dimensional intersections, because one driver is in a rush, not paying total attention, etc. Such accidents are 100% eliminated with SkyTran Personalized MagLev Transit.3. Impossible to "Derail"
The power unit of a SkyTran vehicles is mechanically locked inside the hollow guideway. Unlike trains which ride on top of two rails, SkyTran is impossible to derail. There are no rails.4. Hi-Tech Anti-Collision Sensing and Control
SkyTran vehicles will have forward and rearward looking radar sensors systems. In just the last year "adaptive" cruise control systems have become available on American luxury cars such as the Cadillac. These systems sense the presence of a vehicle in front of you and slow your car down to stay synchronized at a safe distance to the vehicle in front. Adaptive cruise control thus eliminates rear end type accidents and supposedly commands your car to decelerate near instantly in the event the car in front suddenly hits the brakes hard. Note that Adaptive cruise control is useless for protection against side impacts. Since SkyTran vehicles are all inline and mechanically locked inside a single lane guideway, it is impossible to have any sort of perpendicular collision. Thus, adapting today's existing Adaptive cruise control technology will eliminate all of SkyTran's potential for and aft impact collisions.