Anupam Vibhuti - Transport Planner

Address: D113, East of Kailash, New Delhi 110065 India
Contact Numbers: 
+91 11 3090 6075
A.Vibhuti at


Born 1969, Graduated in Architecture in 1992, undertook Post Graduation in Planning with specialization in Transport in 2001 as part of continuing education. He has been largely responsible in imparting WorxpaceCPL, a planning & design consultancy firm specializing in transport related issues, its philosophy and related corporate image. He has been intensively involved in systems development, with a special interest in computers & technology applications and solutions especially towards integrated transportation systems efficiency. He is passionate about the fine arts, abounds in skills in visualization and communication.

Believes creativity is inevitably lateral and without bounds.

         Core expertise in architecture, spatial planning and developmental management. (1)
         Wide ranging post qualification experience in domain areas of civil architectural design, infrastructure & development and use of IT tools for related applications.
         Conceived various applications for architectural back office practices and rate & tendering analysis.(2)
         Established ‘Peopleplus Foundation’ (3), a not for profit organization with the principal objective to identify, evolve, support and build projects and programs that are positively related to people at large and affect significantly large numbers of people in a direct or implied manner.
         ‘SkyTran’ is one of the projects the above foundation has identified to promote & build in India or anywhere in the world.(4)
         Conceived a discount loyalty marketing program called ‘Discount Plus’ to ride on the proposed nationwide branded transaction system based on smartcard and terminals over a distributed architecture. (5) The project is being handled by ‘Fortune Plus MS Pvt. Ltd.’ with an exclusive revenue sharing arrangement with ‘PeoplePlus Foundation’.
         Based on his core expertise he shall be responsible for the entire technical back office administration and management of the scheme, disbursements and operations.
         Actively involved with the establishment of a comprehensive Architecture for Intelligent Transport Systems in India. (6) Believes mass transit ‘systems’ should be an active part of ITS considerations around the world now, especially in developing economies.
         Promoting EVISM (Electronic Vehicle Identification System & Management) Advantage of implanting RFID tags on vehicles to be identified from a distance of 6m and at average flow speeds of 60Km/hr. Consider these tags as thumb impressions for vehicles.
         Provides creatives to VisionVibes, an advertising agency, of which he is an associate, as a hobby.


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