4. Chassis Details

The chassis is welded from 1.25" diameter, .060" wall chrome moly tubing to meet future NHRA requirements.  Note how the top is tucked in to provide a more comfortable rider's leg wrap postion around the fat round Jet Engine.   The chassis is designed so that the jet engine can be easily dropped out of the bottom for any required maintenance


The aft end of the chassis should be completed by April 26, 1999.  We have been waiting for the delivery of a bending die for the smaller aft 1" diameter tubing.   That was hand delivered on Monday April 5th.  The aft structure will have a special slip joint support for the Stainless Steel exhaust pipe (shown prominently above).   Thermal growth of this steel due to 1,800 degree afterburning combustion temperatures would add large frame and pipe stresses if not allowed to freely expand.